Panic attacks represent one of the more common difficulties for which people seek psychological treatment. Panic attacks involve a sudden bout of anxiety or intense fear in the absence of real danger. They typically reach a peak within a few minutes, and involve experiencing a number of characteristic symptoms which may include heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, feelings of choking, chest pain, nausea, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, chills or hot flushes, feelings of unreality or of feeling detached from oneself, numbness or tingling sensations and fears of losing control of either one’s mind or one’s body. Panic attacks are not such a problem. That may seem a ridiculous statement when panic reactions can be so exceedingly uncomfortable and disruptive. However, it is commonly not panic symptoms themselves which are the most unsettling aspect of panic attacks. The main problem is panic about the panic. For more video therapy tips, click here.