An article about various influences that can negatively impact on our judgments, based on the recently released book, Noise. It’s relevant to voting in elections, improving the accuracy of our predictions,… Read more »
Tag: Communication
Know Where to Turn When the Mind Unwinds
An article discussing the available resources that you can turn to when appointments with psychologists are scarce or unavailable.
Conflict Busters
This article discusses some ways of managing conflict in the home, with a particular emphasis on managing conflict in the context of lockdown.
Family Foibles
This article is about those for whom Christmas is not such a joyous time because of painful childhood memories.
Better Together
When is it best to compete and when is it best to collaborate? This article looks at the difference between taking a competitive and collaborative approach to a task, particularly… Read more »
The Dumb Loop
This article relates to a recent session by political journalist Laura Tingle on the impact of staff cuts on what news is reported and the way that it is reported…. Read more »
Truths That Heal
This article relates to the concept of repressed trauma memories resurfacing in therapy and how conscious therapists should be of the risks of implanting a false memory into someone’s recollections.
Led Up the Path
An article looking at why democratically elected leaders are chosen in today’s society, particularly in the context of logos, pathos and ethos, mentioned by Aristotle as the three main types… Read more »